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London Family Dental


There is nothing more beautiful than a healthy smile. That is why our team at London Family Dental will do everything we can to ensure your teeth are at their healthiest. Every recommendation we make for you will be one that takes your overall health and well-being into consideration.  We strive to deliver exceptional results for a smile that lasts a lifetime.  

We are proud to have been serving generations of families in London since 1975!

Our Services


We charge based on the current Ontario Dental Association fee guide so there will be no surprises.  Please bring your insurance card with you to your first visit. In addition, we accept all major credit cards and cash.

If you have dental benefits, we will submit your claims and try to help you navigate your plan.

For CDCP clients, Sunlife would like to remind you that there may be additional costs to getting care. The aim of the CDCP is to help make the cost of dental care more affordable for Canadian residents who do not currently have access to dental insurance. It is not a free dental care plan. CDCP clients are being reminded that they may have to pay additional charges, in addition to any co-payment to their providers.

We offer a 10% discount to patients without dental insurance.

Dental Surgery

 At London Family Dental, we know that preventative treatments and saving your natural teeth are essential. Our dentists go to great lengths to help our patients keep all of their teeth.  However, sometimes, the best way to support your oral health and total wellness is to remove a tooth that is beyond repair and can’t be saved.  Additionally, extractions can optimize your smile leading into orthodontics, or provide a more comfortable smile in the event of troublesome wisdom teeth.  We will help you through the process and, when appropriate, recommend tooth replacement options to help restore your smile.  If you need a tooth pulled or have any questions about the process contact a member of our dental team today.


Nitrous Sedation

Nitrous Oxide is a sweet-smelling, non-irritating, colorless gas which you can breathe.  Nitrous Oxide has been the primary means of sedation in dentistry for many years. Nitrous oxide is safe, the patient receives 50-70% oxygen with no less than 30% nitrous oxide.The patient is able to breathe on their own and remain in control of all bodily functions.  The patient may experience mild amnesia and may fall asleep, not remembering all of what happened during their appointment.  There are many advantages to using Nitrous Oxide

  • The depth of sedation can be altered at any time to increase or decrease sedation.

  • There is no after effect such as a “hangover”.

  • Inhalation sedation is safe with no side effects on your heart and lungs, etc.

  • Inhalation sedation is very effective in minimizing gagging.

  • It works rapidly as it reaches the brain within 20 seconds. In as little as 2-3 minutes its relaxation and pain killing properties develop.

Reasons to not use Nitrous Oxide

You should not utilize Nitrous Oxide if you have been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Though there are no other major contraindications to using nitrous oxide, you may not want to use it if you have emphysema, exotic chest problems, M.S., a cold or other difficulties with breathing.  You may want to ask your dentist for a “5 minute trial” to see how you feel with this type of sedation method before proceeding.

Girl Relaxing


Invisalign is a virtually invisible, cutting-edge tool that can be used to align your bite and teeth to perfect your smile. The system involves a series of removable trays crafted from smooth, clear, BPA-free plastic. Created based on
Dr. Chhung's prescription, they gently and gradually shift your teeth into place. As a certified Invisalign provider,
Dr. Chhung has the skill and knowledge to individualize and fine-tune your treatment plan down to the tiniest detail for amazing results.  Book a free consultation to start your Invisalign journey.

Invisalign Consultation

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cover that goes over a treated tooth or a dental implant abutment. It is designed to match your surrounding teeth in shade and in shape. It is unlikely that anyone will guess that you have a dental crown. When you speak and laugh, people will only see a beautiful tooth in symmetry with your smile.  When you have small areas of decay, a dental filling might be enough to get the job done, but if you have severe damage to your tooth such as a crack, fracture, deep decay or root canal treated tooth, we may recommend a dental crown to treat your condition.  If you have a root infection that requires root canal therapy or if you have damage to your tooth, a dental crown provides support following treatment.  Because a dental crown fits over your entire tooth structure, it supplies the very best support available to protect your teeth. If you think about it, your teeth absorb a tremendous amount of force every day from routine activities such as eating. Especially on one of your molars, your teeth responsible for most of the chewing, a simple filling may not be enough to do the trick.


Dentures and Partials

Complete (Full) Dentures

If you are missing all of your teeth on your upper, lower, or both arches, you might be a good candidate for complete dentures. Complete dentures are a common way to help you eat the foods you love and look your best.  Dr. Chhung is highly skilled in the creation of high-quality, comfortable complete dentures.  We will discuss the appearance of your new denture so that you can achieve the look you desire for your smile. We use the highest quality materials and work with you to ensure a proper fit so that your new dentures are both attractive and functional.

Partial Denture

If you are missing teeth but still have some of your teeth remaining, you might be a good candidate for partial dentures.  Partial dentures utilize your remaining teeth as an anchor to hold your partial denture. We will make sure to match your denture to your natural teeth as closely as possible so that your smile has a seamless appearance. 

When we receive your denture from our dental lab, we will make the necessary adjustments to ensure a proper fit and appearance. Because your dentures sustain some of the force from chewing, you may need an occasional adjustment to ensure a proper fit throughout the years.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Sometimes patients want added stability when it comes to denture wear. We offer implant-supported dentures to give you the stability and confidence you want. When we use several strategically placed dental implants, they can      “lock-in” your denture and help to avoid embarrassing moments.


Root Canal Therapy

The two words that most patients hope to never hear are “root canal.” Most patients fear root canals because they have heard stories about pain and the difficulty of treatment.  The truth, however, is that having a root canal should not be painful and is no more difficult than having a filling. In fact, having a root canal will likely relieve many of the painful symptoms that come along with a serious infection.

Why Do I Need a Root Canal? 

A root canal is a procedure that removes an infection from inside your tooth. As you can imagine, having an infection inside your tooth can cause inflammation and pain, making day-to-day activities difficult. Sometimes, the infection might come from trauma or decay, but other times, it is completely unexplained.  Inside your tooth are canals that house your nerve and tissue. An infection so close to your nerve is often painful and makes eating and sleeping difficult. Root canal therapy eliminates the infection so that your body can recover and you can feel comfortable and healthy again.


Dental Cleanings and Check-ups

The best way to protect your oral health is by having a good preventive routine at home and regular visits to your dentist.  Brushing and flossing regularly is an important part of maintaining your oral hygiene. Even if you are diligent, however, you simply cannot remove all of the plaque and tartar from the difficult-to-reach areas of your teeth. That is why we recommend periodic professional dental cleanings to support excellent oral health.

Most dental conditions do not display any symptoms until they are well advanced, which can put your oral health at risk and lead to more complex treatment options. At London Family Dental, it is our goal to help patients avoid serious oral conditions that lead to tooth loss or gum disease.  In some cases, especially for patients who have had advanced gum disease called periodontitis, we may even recommend that you come back to our hygienist every three or four months until your condition is under control.  Our recommendations are customized for your oral health needs because no two patients are alike!

When Children Should See the Dentist?

We recommend to our patients that they bring their children in for an examination by the age of one and subsequent every six months for a checkup. Children at this age have a keen sense of their surroundings and are very curious about the different things they see and feel. While we may or may not be able to do a complete examination, this gives a perfect opportunity for your children to familiarize themselves with their dental office environments. They can see, hear, smell, and touch different items while they are in the dental chair and react according to their personalities.

We ask our patients not to "prepare" their children prior to their visits to the dental office or use phrases like "it is not going to hurt" when talking to them about their dental appointments. Children are very perceptive and would wonder why Mom and Dad never "prepare" them before going out to eat or to swim but only before a medical or dental appointment. Even if such phrases are not used, they would often feel your apprehension if you yourself have ill feelings going to the dentist. It is often better to keep your answers brief when your children ask about their dental appointments and let them decide how they feel in our family dental practice.

What to Expect During a Child's Dental Appointment

These appointments allow us to screen for any unusual developmental patterns in your children early and answer your questions specifically pertaining to your children. If we discover nothing unusual about their development, these appointments allow your children to have "good" experiences at the dental office. If and when they do require treatment beyond the regular dental check-ups, they are at least familiar with the surroundings of the dental office, have developed a level of trust with the dentist and staff, and know from previous experiences that they will be treated well.  Dental treatment is often much more difficult in unfamiliar surroundings and provided by strangers when your children are already in discomfort.


Teeth Whitening (at home)

Let us know at any appointment if you would like to whiten your teeth.  In only a day or two your custom bleach trays will be ready for you to pick up. We provide you with a special bleaching agent that you put into the clear splints. With only a 1-2 hours of wear per day, our special bleaching agent removes stains right out of your enamel in a very short time without altering tooth structure or existing dental work in any way. When your teeth reach the desired brightness, only occasional treatment is needed to maintain your new smile.

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Dental Emergency

We know that dental emergencies never happen at a convenient time. Most of our patients lead busy lives and having pain or an emergency can disrupt your already tight schedule.  That is why at London Family Dental, you can count on us when you experience a dental emergency. We do our best to treat you quickly and restore your comfort so that you can continue with your day.

Handling Dental Emergencies

Severe Tooth Pain

Many root canals start with a small infection that gets worse if left untreated—often this is accompanied by tooth pain. If you are experiencing pain, don't hesitate to call us immediately. Some patients may require an emergency root canal to keep the infection from spreading and to save the tooth.  We will be able to help assess the situation and offer advice for pain relief. 

Knocked-Out Tooth

A tooth can be knocked out in an accident, from a sports injury, or other types of trauma. It can be challenging to think clearly during an emergency, which is why our dental team can provide calming guidance for keeping your tooth safe until we can see you.  The sooner we can see our patients after an accident, the better our odds are of saving the tooth. We have a limited time frame after the incident to successfully restore the tooth in its socket.  If you are bleeding uncontrollably or you've suffered a hard hit to your face or jaw, go to your nearest emergency room or call 911.

Loose Dental Crown

A dental crown can become loose or fall out for many different reasons, a common one being a cavity underneath the prosthetic. Give us a call right away so we can get you a booking. If your dental crown is loose or has fallen out, keep it safe to avoid further damage to the crown.  If the tooth has not been injured, we may be able to restore the dental crown.

Lost Filling

We can replace a lost filling with a new one. If your filling has fallen out, rinse your mouth with warm water and avoid eating or brushing until we can see you.

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Our Team


Our goal is to make all of our patients feel right at home in our office. We put your needs and comfort first to achieve efficient and timely treatment. Our staff is professionally trained and are dedicated to providing friendly and personable services to each patient. Our team consists of certified dental assistants, registered dental hygienists and office staff with years of dental experience.

Dr. Youly Chhung, DDS


Dr. Chhung graduated from the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry and also holds an Honours Bachelor of Science degree, which were both obtained in his hometown at Western University, London Ontario.  After he was done the dental program, he practiced in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario for nearly 5 years.    Although he loved his stay in the northern community and enjoyed developing as a dental professional, he always knew he'd return to his hometown.  Dr. Chhung is very excited to practice at "The little house on Dundas".  This is a perfect fit for him as Dr. W. Reid & Dr. B. Pellow worked so hard at establishing a family practice which was exactly the type of environnment he wants his patients to have.   He strives to provide the highest quality of care that is individualized to suit each patient's needs.  He takes great pride in treating his patients like he would with his family.

Dental Tools in Pocket

Opening Hours

MON & TUES:    8AM - 7PM

     WED & THURS:  8AM - 4:30PM

FRIDAY               8AM - 1PM

1301 Dundas St., London ON N5W 3B3
Tel: 519 - 453 - 4550
Fax: 519 - 601 - 4551

Contact Us

We’re here for you when you need us! Call us to schedule an appointment, or send us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Tel: 519 - 453 - 4550

Fax: 519 - 601 - 4551

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